- Lincoln IU 12
- Speech & Language Services
FAST (Feeding and Swallowing Team)
The Purpose:
The purpose of the LIU12 Feeding and Swallowing Team is to provide specialized and advanced support to the student’s school-based team members. The primary goal of the Feeding and Swallowing Team is to ensure safe nutrition and hydration to students during school hours, while simultaneously protecting the professionals who work with these students by: identifying students at risk; referring parents to physicians with specific recommendations; and implementing an emergency plan for children who are “at risk” for Feeding/Swallowing issues. This team consultation would offer analysis and careful investigation of the student’s feeding history, the medical clearances, and present performance in the area of feeding/swallowing. The Feeding and Swallowing Team would be able to help support the development of an initial and immediate feeding plan, and would collaborate with any additional medical testing which may need to occur. The Feeding and Swallowing Team would be available to act as a liaison between medical and educational/recommendations.
The Process:
The school based team members may include the student’s teacher, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, and school nurse. Following a voiced concern a member(s) of the school-based team would complete the Screening form (see link below) and determine if further assessment/investigation is needed. If further input is needed, a referral to the Feeding and Swallowing Team LIU 12 Referral Secretary would be made. The secretary would contact members of the Feeding and Swallowing Team and a Feeding/Swallowing Consultation would take place. Please refer to LIU 12 Feeding Procedures Guidelines for details concerning the rest of the process.