The Berks County IU, along with Nearpod, offers IU 12 and member districts an affordable solution to a mobile learning platform that allows teachers to create, synchronize, and share interactive presentations with their students’ devices in real time. During class and guided by their teachers, students can navigate selected web pages, watch videos, collaborate, and participate in interactive assessment features, like Q&As, Polls, or Free Text activities. Nearpod supports iOS, Android, and almost any web-enable device.
GOLD LIST PRICE: was $120 per educator/year
GOLD PAIU CONSORTIUM PRICE: now $95 per educator/year
PLATINUM LIST PRICE: was $399 per educator/year
PLATINUM PAIU CONSORTIUM PRICE: now $300 per educator/year
Nearpod Flyer
For further information, contact: Ben Smith,
For Professional Development, contact: Nicole Bond,