• Educational Technology Services

    Our team at the Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12 offers expertise in disciplines including administrative, network administration, system integration, application and desktop support. Educational Technology Services is here to provide leadership, innovation and expertise to educational entities in Adams, Franklin and York Counties.

Educational Technology Services

  • Collage of technology items like a mouse, cable, and software logos


  •  Jared  Mader
    Jared Mader, Director of Educational Technology
      (717) 624-6511

    Nicole Brakefield, Division Secretary
    nlbrakefield@iu12.org  (717) 624-6448


     Division Leadership

    Ben Smith, Assistant Director of Educational Technology
    bsmith@iu12.org  (717) 624-6541

    Brant Kenny, Manager of IT Systems
    bakenny@iu12.org (717) 624-6514

    Dr. Michael DelPriore Supervisor of Online Learning
    mpdelpriore@iu12.org (717) 718-5857

    Nicole Bond, Supervisor of Educational Technology
    nabond@iu12.org  (717) 624-6449

    Abbey Hathaway, Educational Technology Specialist

    alhathaway@iu12.org  (717) 624-6458


    Autumn Zaminski, Educational Technology Specialist

    apzaminski@iu12.org  (717) 624-6555


    Ryan Unger, Manager of Data Systems

    raunger@iu12.org (717) 624-6423

    Kennneth Feinberg III, Network Adminstrator
    kjfeinberg@iu12.org (717) 718-5887

    Johnathan Amos, Systems Administrator
    jdamos@iu12.org (717) 718-5891

Contact Us

Task Support Contact Email Phone
Access PA Nicole Bond nabond@iu12.org (717) 624-6449
Act 48 Support Tensley Carter trcarter@iu12.org (717) 624-6445
Active Directory & Account Managment (IU Email) Nicole Brakefield nlbrakefield@iu12.org (717) 624-6448
Asset Inventory Managment Nicole Brakefield nlbrakefield@iu12.org (717) 624-6448
Assistive Technology Valerie Chapman-Jones vachapman-jones@iu12.org (717) 624-6608
AV Support and Training Helpdesk helpticket@iu12.org (717) 624-6428
Cellular/Broadband Services Nicole Brakefield nlbrakefield@iu12.org (717) 624-6448
Data Systems Manager Ryan Unger raunger@iu12.org (717) 624-6423
Defined STEM Support Tensley Carter trcarter@iu12.org (717) 624-6445
Discovery Education Support Tensley Carter trcarter@iu12.org (717) 624-6445
Educational Technology, STEM, and Computer Science Professional Learning Nicole Bond nabond@iu12.org (717) 624-6449
E-rate Hans Kirchner hgkirchner@iu12.org (717) 624-6406
ETAC (Educational Technology Services Advisory Council) Nicole Brakefield nlbrakefield@iu12.org (717) 624-6448
GAFE (Google Apps for Education) Accounts Nicole Brakefield nlbrakefield@iu12.org (717) 624-6448
Help Desk Support David Peterson djpeterson@iu12.org (717) 624-6605
Help Desk Support Chris Kornbau clkornbau@iu12.org (717) 624-6605
Help Desk Support - FLC Austin McDannell ammcdannell@iu12.org (717) 624-6605
Help Desk Support - YLC Dylan Aegbuniwe daaegbuniwe@iu12.org (717) 624-6605
Infinite Visions Support Helpdesk helpticket@iu12.org (717) 624-6428
Infobase Nicole Bond nabond@iu12.org (717) 624-6449
Instructional Materials Services (IMS) Tensley Carter trcarter@iu12.org (717) 624-6445
iOS & MacOS Support Helpdesk helpticket@iu12.org (717) 624-6428
Learn 360 Support Tensley Carter trcarter@iu12.org (717) 624-6445
Lincoln Cyber Cafe (717) 718-5852
Lincoln EDGE Michelle Arnold mlarnold@iu12.org (717) 718-5019
Lincoln EDGE (717) 718-5852
Lincoln EDGE Lottie Smith lasmith@iu12.org (717) 718-5800 X 5854
Lincoln EDGE Tim Marks tpmarks@iu12.org 717-718-5800
Lincoln Learning Network (LLN) Hans Kirchner hgkirchner@iu12.org (717) 624-6406
LIU Conference Room Support Helpdesk helpticket@iu12.org (717) 624-6428
LIU issued iPhone management Nicole Brakefield nlbrakefield@iu12.org (717) 624-6448
LIU Technology Vendor Partnerships Hans Kirchner hgkirchner@iu12.org (717) 624-6406
Nearpod Nicole Bond nabond@iu12.org (717) 624-6449
Network & Systems Administration Brant Kenny bakenny@iu12.org (717) 624-6514
OneCallNow Nicole Brakefield nlbrakefield@iu12.org (717) 624-6448
Professional Learning Opportunities Tensley Carter trcarter@iu12.org (717) 624-6445
Social Media Support (Twitter; Facebook) Nicole Bond nabond@iu12.org (717) 624-6449
SSKW Technology Pool Counsel Nicole Brakefield nlbrakefield@iu12.org (717)624-6448
Staff Development Abbey Hathaway alhathaway@iu12.org (717) 624-6458
STEM Advisory Council Tensley Carter trcarter@iu12.org (717) 624-6445
Student STEM Competitions Tensley Carter trcarter@iu12.org (717) 624-6445
Systems and Network Specialist Patrick Scharff pcscharff@iu12.org 717-624-6605
Technology Purchasing Nicole Brakefield nlbrakefield@iu12.org (717) 624-6448
TIEnet (Technology Integration Educator Network) Tensley Carter trcarter@iu12.org (717) 624-6445
Zoom Tensley Carter trcarter@iu12.org (717) 624-6445