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Training & Consultation (TaC)


    Training and Consultation (TaC) services function as a specialized resource for school districts by providing technical assistance, on-site consultation, guided practice, professional learning communities, and related resources in the following Pennsylvania state-mandated, special education initiative areas:

    • Autism
    • Assistive Technology
    • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)  Academic
    • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Behavior
    • Least Restrictive Environment/Inclusive Practices
    • Secondary Transition/Interagency Coordination

    Our TaCs support schools through the use of current information from Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), PDE’s Bureau of Special Education (BSE) and the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN). We support the initiatives of these organizations and can provide workshops, modeling, and guided practice, grade level meetings, study groups. Individual consultation and coaching to support is available only for approved PaTTAN programs or series. Professional development activities are designed to support all students in the inclusive environment. We also provide networks for different groups to come together and discuss issues and information pertinent to those groups.

    A description of the federally-funded staff development opportunities (provided with no additional fees) is listed under each initiative.  

    Services beyond this list are available but may require additional fees for service from the Educational Services division.

    To view currently scheduled sessions go to Learning Opportunities.