Least Restrictive Environment/Inclusive Practices (TaC)
TaC Initiative Menu
Least Restrictive Environment
- Tailored supports that empower educational staff to meet the diverse needs of every learner and make a meaningful difference in the lives of students - fostering growth, success, and a sense of belonging for all.
- Strategies that address best practices for educational staff to support special education students in inclusive settings. This includes learning about specific disabilities, effective instructional strategies, and ways to foster a culture of inclusion within the school community.
- Comprehensive professional development designed to equip educators with the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to create learning environments that cater to the diverse needs of students with disabilities, ensuring their full participation, engagement, and success in the least restrictive environment (LRE).
- Networking Meetings to collaborate with relevant stakeholders in order to implement the inclusive practices so that schools can create an environment where special education students are fully included and supported in all aspects of school life, leading to improved academic outcomes and social-emotional development
Consultation designed around:
Facilitated Classroom Self-Reflection & Essential Instructional Practices in the following areas:
- Academic Instructional Strategies
- Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Differentiated Instruction
- Collaborative Teaching and Support Models (Co-Teaching)
- Assistive Technology
- Positive Behavior Supports
- Inclusive Extracurricular Activities
All offerings are available upon request. For current offerings see the Learning Opportunities/PowerSchool Professional Learning.
Contact Us
Name | Title | |
Tanya Morret | TaC Supervisor | thmorret@iu12.org |
Geri Schaffer | TaC Program Specialist | gaschaffer@iu12.org |
Michelle Rowe | Administrative Support | mlrowe@iu12.org |