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ELECT/EFI Programs


Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12

Education Leading to Employment and Career Training (ELECT)

Partnering LIU 12 Staff and Educators With Parenting Students for Successful Education and Career Opportunities

The Education Leading to Employment and Career Training (ELECT) program enables Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12 to help expectant and parenting mothers and fathers successfully achieve educational goals to earn a diploma or GED certificate and provides services and resources for responsible parenting and child development and to effectively transition to employment or higher education.

ELECT Initial Referral Form

ELECT Parenting Self-Referral Form

ELECT Brochure

ELECT Brochure (Spanish Version)

Common Questions

To continue his/her academic program, regular attendance at school, and cooperative participation in the IU12 ELECT Program (meeting with his / her Case Manager on a regular basis at school or scheduled quarterly home visits and participating in education programs / presentations).

Prenatal and parenting education, graduation and post-graduation planning, case management, support services, assistance with applications for subsidized child care, collaborative programs with community agencies, and referrals to community services.

To provide pregnant and parenting students the opportunity:

  • To remain enrolled in school or educational program achieving diploma or GED.
  • To continue academic coursework/credits.
  • To receive specialized education in prenatal care/development, nutrition, parenting skills, career goals, infant care and child development.
  • To receive support and connection with other services that help overcome barriers to successful parenting and graduation.