Equitable Participation

  • Learn More about Equitable Participation

    Certain services are available to students identified as eligible for special education who are unilaterally placed by their parents in private schools through a federal requirement called Equitable Participation (EP) services. Examples of EP services include consultation with staff and professional development of teachers.

    What types of services are available?

    Professional development for teachers

    Instructional planning for staff in order to meet the needs of students with disabilities

    Collaboration and consultation with the EP instructional advisors

    Provision and training of equipment and materials for teacher and student use

    Collaboration and development of student support teams for academic and behavior concerns

    Parent training


    Equitable Participation Brochure


Contact Us

  • EP Team

    Hanna Hoover
    M.S., Ed. S.
    PA Certified School Psychologist 
    (717) 813-6275

    Lisa Gerber-Eckard
    Instructional Advisor
    (717) 624-6622

    Dr. Jennifer Leese
    Director of Student Services and District Engagement
    (717) 624-6402

    Kelly Kile
    Administrative Assistant
    (717) 624-5930