The Paradise School

  • the school


    6156 W. Canal Road, Abbottstown, PA 17301

    Phone (717) 259-9537 Fax (717) 259-9262 



About Our School

  • Paradise School

    The LIU12 partners with Catholic Charities to provide intensive social-emotional and behavioral support in addition to quality academic instruction. Paradise Education Center houses the Elementary Emotional Support grades K-6 , Middle Level Emotional Support grades 6-8, High School Emotional Support grades 9-12, Middle and High School Behavior Intervention programs, and credit recovery for high school aged students.  These programs operate under one philosophy in support of students in either special education or general education programs, who benefit from a highly structured, small group, non-traditional public school setting.



    Students at Paradise will focus on personal goals and ways to build up skills with the goal of returning to their district and will be provided the support needed to do so.   Students will learn and be able to utilize SEL (5 competencies) with fidelity in order to better practice behavior regulation techniques and demonstrate effective conflict management skills across all settings. 


    Program Features at Paradise:

    Trained Mental Health support team which includes psychologists, counselors and mental health workers (the services provided by mental health workers are billed separately by Catholic Charities)

    Social Emotional learning embedded across all settings and specifically taught and reinforced

    Trauma Informed practices for interacting with and understanding individuals

    Restorative Practices are used as a framework for building culture and managing conflict. 

    Programming options specifically designed to meet the unique needs of students

    Outdoor adventure activities at least quarterly for all all students

    Individualized behavior plans tailored to each student and their needs 

    Highly structured classrooms with optimal use of positive behavior supports



Contact Us

  • Mr. Ott


    Lawrence Ott
    (717) 718-5880 ext 6589
    (717) 259-9537 ext. 128


    Program Secretary 

    Trisha Black
    (717) 718-5880 ext 6589
    (717) 259-9537 ext. 128