Training and Consultation Supervisor
Tanya is the Training and Consultation Supervisor at LIU #12. She leads Professional Staff Developers who support schools in the identified PDE Initiative areas: Assistive Technology, Autism, Least Restrictive Environment/Inclusive Practices, MTSS Academics, MTSS Behavior, and Secondary Transition.
She is also the regional School Climate Coach, School Improvement Facilitator, and most recently a certified Data Wise Coach. Tanya served as the PA Statewide Gifted Liaison, Program Manager for the IU Consortium Gifted Endorsement Program, and facilitator for schools building Multi-Tiered Systems of Support when she worked at the Capital Area IU.
Areas of Expertise Include, but are not limited to: Data Wise, School Climate, Curriculum Development, Operationalized Enrichment and Acceleration Protocols, School Improvement, Assessment Map Development, Educator Effectiveness/Act 13, Comprehensive Planning. Facilitation Skills / Coaching, and other topics that support a Multi-Tiered System of Support.