- Lincoln IU 12
- For Our Parents
- Threat Assessment Information for Parents
What is a threat assessment team?
- A threat assessment team is a group of IU staff and officials who convene to identify, evaluate, and address threats or potential threats to school security. Threat assessment teams review incidents of threatening behavior by students, parents, school employees, or other individuals. Members of a threat assessment team might include officials who can assist in making such decisions, such as school principals, counselors, and teachers, as well as local law enforcement officers. LIU has threat assessment teams in each of its district-based program, its Preschool program, and at Franklin Learning Center, Paradise and York Learning Center.
Who do I contact if I have concerns?
- The S2SS Program will be accessible via a link on our website (www.iu12.org) and is also available to download (for free) to your device or your child’s device.
- For those who prefer to report a tip by phone, the number is 1-844-SAF2SAY (1-844-723-2729).
Dear Parent/Guardian:
You and your child have an opportunity to complete an online educational program about the importance of reporting possible threats to school safety. There are separate programs for you and your child. The student program takes approximately 15 minutes and the parent program takes approximately 25 minutes. Both programs will explain the state requirement for schools to have threat assessment teams and how this process works at your school. There are important messages about the prevention of violence that will help keep our school safe.
The educational program is voluntary. No action will be taken against the school, you, or your child if you or your child does not participate. During the program, students and parents will be asked questions to measure what they know about school safety and what they have learned from the program. Students and parents will not give their names and all answers are anonymous (no one will know how you or your child answered the questions). Results will be analyzed by researchers at the University of Virginia and summarized in a report.
You can complete the student program by visiting: www.schoolthreatassessment.com.
Enter the preview code: ss4mvs
You can complete the parent program is by visiting www.schoolthreatassessment.com
Enter the parent code to begin: px554c
Thank you for your cooperation in this important school safety program.
Dr. Jennifer Leese