Contact Us

  • Valerie Chapman-Jones

    (717) 680-9707

    Chantelle Ney-Shaffer

    (717) 353-5435

    Instagram - @liu12AT

    X - @LIU12_AT


    We support IU staff and classrooms and staff in public school districts in Adams, York, and Franklin Counties


    Michelle Rowe

    (717) 624 - 6430

Assistive Technology

  • In order to access all resources for Assistive Technology services provided by LIU 12, please connect to our Google Site by clicking the hyperlink below.

    LIU 12 Assistive Technology Google Site

    *link above takes you directly to the LIU 12 AT Google Site


    What is Assistive Technology?The corner of a laptop with accessibility key

    Legal Definition of Assistive Technology

    What are Assistive Technology services provided by LIU?

    Assistive Technology Training and Consultation (TAC) services are federally funded through IDEA Part B and are available to all public schools for the purpose of building school capacity. TaC services function as a specialized resource for school districts by providing technical assistance, on-site consultation, guided practice, professional development, and professional learning communities for assistive technology.