Educational Technology for LIU Staff

  • LIU Tech Hub

    The Tech Hub houses tutorials and resources to help LIU staff navigate the tech tools and apps used in their everyday work. You can visit the Tech Hub at Please note that you must be logged into your LIU gmail account to access the Tech Hub website. 


    Adding LIU email to your personal phone

    You can add access to your LIU email on your personal device by following these directions.
    (Use your LIU Gmail account to access these files.)

    Email Archive

    Access your archived emails. The LIU archives all emails for three years: LIU Email Archive 

    LIU Style Guidelines

    The LIU Style Guide was created to be a valuable resource for employees to use so that everyone representing the LIU is doing so with the same guidelines as reference.
    (use your LIU Gmail account to access)

    LIU Staff Technology Manual

    Your one stop place for using technology at the LIU. (use your LIU Gmail account to access): LIU Staff Technology Manual


    Learn more about how to use this valuable tool on our Zoom Support page.